
SEO basics: essentials you need for optimizing your site

page speed must be good to start the SEO

how to increase your web speed

Here are a few reasons that destroy the site completely. Website speeds down, Plugin and themes do not work well.Website speeds have many reasons to decrease. Too many unnecessary plugins and high-resolution images reduce the website's speed.

use a sweet and cute hosting

Free hosting services are not bad but due to heavy traffic on free-hosting, the site has a negative impact on the site.Free and affordable hosting affects the speed of the website quite much. “You’re thinking that my website is created on the free host” I’ll move it to good host later. However, if you have a good business So buy a good hosting. Check out different hosting sites. What hosting is best. Check out traffic how many people are using

do not use third-party themes

Using third-party themes has a great impact on Speed because they do not contain any specific coding, always use good themes.Always use lightweight themes.You can design your own theme. Your site will never slow down

Optimization Of images

Website speed also depends on pictures. You must make sure that the uploaded images are not reducing the website speed.Speed would be good when you initially create a website and do not upload a photo to it. But when you upload the picture, the speed of the web page is quickly reduced.I do not recommend not uploading the image, but you must adjust the images before uploading.

You can customize this image in two ways below, to increase the speed of your website.

use an editor

If the image is large in the display, the server does not upload it quickly. Recover the picture.I am a fan of the Adobe Photoshop, but there are even more good auditors that help to adjust photos. Resizing photos reduces weight. An image can also be edit in the WordPress.

Optimizing the picture through the WordPress plugin

wp smush. The WP Smush plugin reduces the size of the image with tools to make it optimized.It works great. The photos you’ve already uploaded, these plugins ask you if you want to customize all the pictures. It makes the lightweight in a few minutes.

Even more useful plugins are available to optimize the image.

W3 TOT CACHE has great plugins.It’s very popular plugins. All the data coming from the database is done by doing it all the CACHE.Whenever a visitor arrives on your website, these plugins cache it.

Each time someone visits a website, your browser downloads all the pictures, CSS files, JavaScripts etc in a summary folder to improve the website activity. So when a user moves to the next page, the site will load much quicker because all the inactive files are in their browser cache. Browser Cache option in W3 Total Cache sets a time limit on the Browser Cache. Considering you don’t edit your logo every day, becoming inactive files like that cached for 24 hours does not trouble you.